The Prague Public Transportation System

The Public transport system in Prague is well developed, efficient and accessible. Travelers from the West will be surprised at how cheap it is. The system is based upon Metro, Trams and buses. Every corner of the city can be reached by one of the 3 forms of transport. Buses tend to be used for the more inaccessible areas whereas Metro and Trams are recommended for all central places.


Train timetables, prices, etc

Tram and Bus information

Prague Transport maps


The Metro is very cheap, efficient and fast. The metro is divided into 3 lines A,B,C, respectively green, yellow and red. The metro starts at 5 o´clock in the morning and the last departure is around midnight. Tickets, for a single adults, cost 8 Kc and are valid for a single trip (only 4 stations). The ticket is still valid if you change to another metro line, but if you change to bus or tram another ticket must be purchased.
Buses are used where there are no trams and follow the same ticket procedure as trams

Trams are surprisingly able to keep to time and if the timetable lists a particular interval the chances are that it will arrive as scheduled. Occasionally trams do get diverted across a different route and can catch out the unsuspecting traveller. 
    Again there will be no ticket collector. Simply have your ticket stamped by the machine just inside the doors. Trams drive on every larger road and generally they stop at the metro lines. After midnight the night-trams drive about every 40th minute.

Passengers may travel by means of public transit (PT) vehicles with valid tickets only. The passenger must purchase the ticket before entering the surface PT vehicle or before entering the transportation area of Metro or funicular to Petřín. The ticket is valid only if it has been stamped in the stamping machine, or if the pass has a time coupon enclosed with all required permanently legible data completed.
Tickets are on sale in selected Metro stations, at news-agents, in PPT Information Centres, in hotels, travel agencies, department stores etc. Tickets can also be obtained from the ticket-machines placed near some surface transport stops and in Metro and funicular stations and their surroundings.


Unfortunately the transport system is one of the prime targets of pickpockets and thieves. Take care in crowded tourist areas!

Prague Tourist Information